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The Expanse

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Same for you m8

P3 or P4?

Persona 3. It was my introduction to the series and I prefer the dark nature and soundtrack of it over the happy-go-lucky kinda feel that P4 gives off. I like the characters more and find them vastly more relatable, and summoning Personas via an Evoker never gets old.

That's not to say Persona 4 is a bad game by any means. I love them both but P3 remains my favorite rpg and game in general of all time. Everything from the plot to the soundtrack to the characters to the design and concept, in my opinion is perfect.

Side note: Who the fuck thought switching up Chie's voice actress would be a good idea... she's so goddamn aggravating in Golden.

Chie had her voice actress changed? The only version of P4 I've played is Golden. I'm actually in the process of playing golden right now and I had to take a hiatus specifically because of Chie.

I agree with you 100% about the differences between P3 and P4. I'm on my third playthrough of P3P right now and I just can't get enough. I'm digging it more than P4 though like you said, it's not that P4 is bad in any way. I feel like P3 takes itself a bit more serious and the characters are more interesting. Also, Nyx. The Nyx boss battle is among my top three favorite boss battles.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I think P4's cast is a little too wacky and zany for them to really be taken seriously (compared to P3 at least.) BTW make sure you know what you're doing at the end of P4 (in the hospital, no spoiler but just be aware of that), one wrong move and you don't get the true ending (and it's not nearly as simple to get the true ending as P3 when it says "This is a very important decision".)

But yeah, Teddie's voice is the only other difference and his isn't thaaat bad, but anyway here's a comparison of the voice actresses for Chie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R39QSuVsztY New Chie is a total drama queen, and while she prolly fits the whole sophomore girl profile better, she sure as hell makes it 10x more obnoxious and unbearable. Not a good thing in my opinion.

Have you played Persona 3 FES, or just Portable?

I have played FES, it was pretty good but playing through the journey felt weird when compared to P3P. I think my main problem was exploring tartarus was a pain in the ass because your part members got tired quicker than they did in P3P and given the amount of grinding in that game it was a big problem. As for the answer, it was way too damn hard but I did get through it....eventually.

P4G is going to be an endurance test for me, I can play it for as long as I can tolerate Chie then I take a break and play Danganronpa or something....

If you can get ahold of P4 in its original state, I'd recommend it. I ordered it off Amazon like right before it was released on PSN (it literally came out a week after I beat it.)

The Answer is tougher, but I liked it a lot since it was more strategy oriented- if you didn't know what you were doing, they wiped the floor with you. Forced you not to be reckless or else you got destroyed... I beat it in like two days and a morning because I have FES on my PS3, and I didn't know that internal memory cards were automatically made- so I thought I'd lose progress if I turned the game off... so I busted my ass to beat it asap. I think the amount of flak it gets is pretty unfair.

But as for Tartarus exploration, I think grinding excessively is only necessary in P3P. I almost think that party fatigue system was nerfed so Maniac mode would be possible.

Relevant to FES, I just watched my friend react to the whole 'sacrifice' scene, the reaction was fucking priceless. That scene's almost hard to watch.


The jet plane


Finish the Fight, 2007.

that fight really ended up finishing huh

P5 has a whole P3 feel to it. It seems like it's gone back to it's dark and gloomy themes. This excites me.

That's the same vibe I got. Along with the whole "You are a slave. Want emancipation?" thing, it seems like it'll be a sorta oppressing environment with the cast being juvenile delinquents.

Should be fun for sure. If the series is going anywhere near its SMT roots, then that's fine by me. I love SMT 3, currently about 5 hours in it on my ps3

Also worth noting that I read: The main Personas in P5 seem to all have ties in their names to the seven deadly sins. That seems like a cool concept.

