So I got bored n stuff, after making some toons of my old animating style, When I was around 10 or 11, Iunno which. Probably 10 1/2. Anyway, I created these little arm cannon guys I called gunmen. (Keep in mind, at the time, I didn't know what Megaman was, so to me, this was original) So I made a couple tests, (Keep in mind, these were made nearly 2 years ago)
So, These were some of the things I made when I was beginning flash and had a trial for CS3. (I now have Macromedia Flash 8, so much better)
This, is what I made while being bored, my god I've improved.
Kick + Nuts = No.
EDIT 1 (Monday, 12:11 AM - 12:15 AM, January 17, 2010):
I have extended it, and will probably continue gunman.
Now this, took some work And no, that guy will never stop bleeding.
EDIT 2 (Monday, 12:24 AM - Monday, 12:25 AM, January 17, 2010):
Added one sound effect
Prepare to crap yourself