This is pretty creative, really fucking weird, and it lives up to its name.
Good job
This is pretty creative, really fucking weird, and it lives up to its name.
Good job
Audio sync issues. Also the ending was kinda cliche and just felt rushed both in animation and delivery.
Aside from that it's not bad but I didn't really find it all that funny either. At the very least I can give you props for replicating that shitty Buzzfeed video style so well.
shoddy sprite animation, predictable, wholly unimpressive.
why is this on the front page?
how are you doing today
you've taken me back to 2005
it takes a special skill to do that
Shaddup (high school hell hah)... and thanks!
it's well animated but there's unfortunately so little depth to this that you already know what the joke will be based on the thumbnail alone
i was expecting this to go further into insanity after the mexican dude turned into a cactus, maybe in a similar vein to ren & stimpy... but nothing else happened.
where's the rest of the animation? ...or the joke?
top fucking notch
lmao this stupid shit still holds up
if you never made this i never would've made the tribute series. watched it just now again for old time's sake. still absolutely fucking hilarious. i think the first one is a bit funnier just for how fucking terrible it is in all aspects (and the kfc bucket slowly descending for him to catch) but this one's obviously technically better. a lot of kills are somewhat clever (as clever as this sort of humor is) and overall it's consistently fucking hysterical.
watching it makes me want to make a tribute 3 for shits and giggles.
lmfao thank you man I still need to make more shit ass movies again someday. fucking seriously.
god bless, tasers.
pretty funny, especially the ending. animation wasn't the greatest thing ever but it wasn't insulting either. could see you got lazy with tweening but you mixed some fbf in the mix as well. overall it worked, and your tweening seemed to be used for comedic effect anyway so it's not really a problem at all.
good job
painfully well made
that's all i have to say
i'm gay
Age 27, Male
The Expanse
Joined on 7/23/07