well hello there. long time no see, i'm toxicdevil93 but i got a name change and also got un-review banned.
so let's see what you've put together here.
well. first complaint is it's too short. like, literally 5 and a half seconds.
secondly, it's incredibly stiff. it's an interesting enough idea to have each jebus from the series kill each other in succession, but when characters get shot, the effect is more along the lines of a domino falling over than an actual fall. i mean if i shot someone with a desert eagle, i doubt they'd slam into the floor and then stick to it like concrete. add a bit of a bounce so it looks like more than a brick getting tossed a ways.
the next jebus dies in a way completely contradictory to the last. he gets shot by a revolver coming from the left side, but rather than getting knocked on his ass and falling to the right, he just kinda tumbles over on the left side. your first death was stiff and kinda choppy but it had a better idea than this one. this just kinda shows you're not certain how people should fall when they get shot. but put it this way, you're definitely not going to fall in a direction facing the person who is shooting you. the victim should be knocked back.
so then jebus #3 gets punched and it's enough force to send him flying to the floor on his ass, but, he somehow has the awareness to flip to his other side for the landing. he should've landed face down but either jebus #4 throws a hell of a haymaker and it sent #3 in a circular motion downward; or he was able to flip on his side despite being knocked off his balance. either way, it doesn't make much sense.
so then #4 gets lobbed onto the screen similar to a brick being thrown onto a piece of concrete while disregarding the laws of physics. when you jump forward, do you stop dead in your tracks upon landing? or do you jump that far without doing any sort of dive? probably not. this could've made sense if you had him diving towards #3, but instead it was more like a stationary brick being tossed while being able to keep completely upright. it doesn't really make sense and it seems like you were just a little lazy to animate him walking over instead.
i have no idea what the hell happened to #4, it was like, he hovered while stroking his beard and then collapsed. i dunno if he was trying to choke himself or what but it didn't make any sense and it happened too fast to really even understand before jebus #5 popped in. his purpose is pretty much just to stand there and shoot out the lights for no reason other than to show the credits.
i mean it's sure as hell better than madness hunt and all but you seem to have a pretty weak understanding of forces and gravity. i think you should try some of these movements yourself before animating them. that way you know people can't jump ridiculous distances without propelling themselves forward and such.
honestly 5/10 seems awfully generous given the length of this. but obviously you were on a time crunch so i won't be terribly harsh.
learn from the mistakes you made in a totally random day. don't get me wrong, you have improved a ton since then, but your sense of reality is still kinda distorted.
keep trying yo