what the fuck is this? it looks like a shitty mobile facebook clone. it has no style or flair whatsoever. minimalism is fine when done right, but this isn't at all.
i'm gay
Age 27, Male
The Expanse
Joined on 7/23/07
Posted by TOXlCITY - July 13th, 2016
I have been on Newgrounds over 10 years, over 10,000 posts, and as the fourth user ever, to have attained 5x10K stats! It was very challenging to become a Living Legend. There were many who thought that I would never be able to do it. There were many people that tried hard to stop me, mostly hater mods. However, I did earn it. Great things in life are earned.
If I never did another thing on Newgrounds, I will still always be remembered as a Five Star Living Legend. No matter what happenes, that can never be taken anyway from me.
Posted by TOXlCITY - July 19th, 2015
I don't really have anything interesting or noteworthy to say right now.
Never been active on the BBS, suppose now is just as good a time as any to rejoin it. Felt a need to after posting the most cringe-worthy shit in the world in my early NG days (I was 9 so you can definitely infer what my posts were like.)
Thought this site went in the shitter a long time ago- I still think the animating community is pretty weak but at least the BBS is still going pretty strong.
Nice to be back in a state that can't be mistook for being mentally defunct.
Posted by TOXlCITY - September 23rd, 2014
...Was yesterday! To my surprise, there were actually a few really neat tributes. I decided to finally finish Tribute 2 (which was pretty much done months ago, just without sound; so I slapped that together real quick), and it passed with a 3.12 through some black magic. Can't say I'm complaining though, bahaha. I had been worried some people would look past satire and blam it, but needless to say that wasn't the case.
Tribute 3 may or may not happen. I think I'm burned out on things to make fun of, but that probably won't stop me anyway.
Anyway, go watch Tribute 2. I hope it makes you laugh,,,,<!@<<!@<
Posted by TOXlCITY - March 11th, 2012
hi my nam3s timothy im 8 n i lik 2 fuc hookrs relly hrd
wile duing s0, i t3nd 2 sh1t ouT o mY dic!#$%_)#)# l0L xD !#$@_$O+<<<@_$+@_$ < _<
pls n0 roOd comnts oN my bl0g po5t bcuz if ur meen 1 can B@n U!1!#@$@%
plz lsten 2 mY noo song tiTleD: "SHIT." lol git it? "SHIT."? th@s funy lol xD im a comiiden!@%2#_@)(%#)%(+*~@#
Posted by TOXlCITY - February 13th, 2012
I wont reveal many details, but NGgangsterpimp(aka Kanamomashouse) and I are collaborating, making a full length animation.
What kind of animation?
I guess you'll just have to find out this madness day...
oh shit, I kinda gave it away there, didn't I?